
Great Dane

About Elliott

Born June 19, 2004
Died March 16, 2007
Weight 140 pounds
Height 37 inches
On July 31, 2004, we brought home a six-week-old brindle Great Dane. Elliott was a natural-eared beauty that stood a mere 12 inches (30 cm) high and weighed just 15 pounds (6.8 kg). He was the cutest little striped sausage, and it was love at first sight. From the moment he arrived, Elliott had us laughing. He was such a character, barking furiously at mammoth combines that roared past our home, yet tucking his tail and running for cover when a dragonfly flew overhead. He was so incredibly needy, in an adorable sort of way.

The first six months of Elliott’s life were remarkable. He went from 1.6 pounds (725 g) at birth to 100 pounds (45 kg) and 31 inches (79 cm) in just 26 weeks. Elliott excelled at obedience and was a happy, comical puppy. Although he had always drawn a crowd wherever he went, the attention Elliott garnered grew as fast as he did. People were mesmerized by his markings and amazed by his height. Elliott was a statuesque beauty. His elegant neck, rich colour, thoughtful expression, and gorgeous contours made him a joy to watch and a treat to photograph.

When Elliott was nine months old, his meagre confidence began to wane, and by one year of age, it was nothing but a memory. Elliott was a timid Dane, fearful of men, children, and small dogs. Elliott’s passion was women. He was a shameless flirt and never met a woman he couldn’t woo. At 12 months of age, Elliott stood 36 inches (91 cm) at the shoulder. He quickly realized that cleavage made an excellent chin rest, the kitchen sink was the perfect water bowl, and all laps were a personal invitation to sit.

Elliott was not an all-weather dog. His coat had a texture similar to eyelashes and offered no protection against insects, heat, or cold. Elliott would start panting when the temperature climbed over 75° F (25° C) and begin shivering when it dropped below 60° F (15° C). He disliked the rain, despised the snow, and avoided the winter wind at all costs. Thankfully, he appreciated the warmth that a coat and boots offered, and our “dress and wrestle matches” quickly became a thing of the past.

At two years of age, Elliott was 37 inches and a svelte 140 pounds. He was oblivious to his mammoth size and was determined to remain a lap dog forever. Elliott was an irresistible clown, completely self-centred, and a riot to live with. Tragically, Elliott left us at two years and nine months of age. He lived for 1000 days. I miss him as much today as the day he left us.

Weight Chart
Age Pounds Inches Kilograms Centimeters
2 months 26.4 lb 15.25 in 11.9 kg 38.5 cm
3 months 44.0 lb 20.50 in 19.9 kg 52.0 cm
4 months 63.8 lb 24.00 in 28.9 kg 61.0 cm
5 months 84.5 lb 28.50 in 38.3 kg 72.5 cm
6 months 100.0 lb 31.00 in 45.3 kg 78.5 cm
7 months 110.0 lb 32.00 in 49.8 kg 81.5 cm
8 months 118.0 lb 33.00 in 53.5 kg 84.0 cm
9 months 120.0 lb 34.00 in 54.4 kg 86.5 cm
10 months 126.0 lb 34.00 in 57.1 kg 86.5 cm
11 months 130.0 lb 35.50 in 58.9 kg 90.0 cm
1 year 134.0 lb 36.00 in 60.7 kg 91.5 cm
2 years 140.0 lb 37.00 in 63.5 kg 94.0 cm